Synod Council
After all the open positions on Synod Council are elected, the need for at-large member(s), if any, will be identified and announced. |
Churchwide Assembly
ELCA 2025 Churchwide Assembly Voting Members (in good standing for service July 28-August 2, 2024)
For the 2025 Churchwide Assembly the Florida Bahamas Synod has been allocated 12 Voting Members. In accordance with the ELCA Constitution, at least 60% should be Laypersons and 40% Rostered Ministers and include 10% Youth and Young Adults and 10% people of color or primary language other than English. Within the 12 voting members are the Synod Vice President and Synod Bishop. Based on this breakdown the we are seeking nominees for the following positions:
Each Mission District is strongly encouraged to fill one of the positions with a person of color or primary language other than English (PCLE). May be Rostered Minister or Layperson. |
Committee Positions
- Consultation Committee - 4 positions, any Mission District (in good standing for a one-year term)
- Layperson Male
- Layperson Female
- Rostered Minister Male
- Rostered Minister Female
- Discipline Committee - 4 positions, any Mission District (in good standing for a six-year term)
- Layperson Male
- Layperson Female
- Rostered Minister Male
- Rostered Minister Female
A completed Nomination Data Form must be received at Synod Office no later than May 1, 2024. After this deadline, the Nominating Committee will work to assure that there are two nominations for each position. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the assembly. We strongly encourage nominations prior to the Assembly so that biographical forms may be made available to all voting members before the Assembly. Descriptions of the elected positions are below. Your prayerful consideration of these opportunities for service is encouraged.